Chemical safety
Services related to chemical safety
· Identification and determination of tasks related to chemical safety (REACH, GHS, etc.)
· Identification, notification, registration of materials and substances, hazard reduction proposals, identification of opportunities
· Identification of suppliers of and service providers doing activities with hazardous materials, determination of their selection criteria, elaboration of communication related to REACH
· Review and evaluation of MSDSs, hazards' identification, determination of tasks related to environment protection in normal and emergency circumstances, related trainings and communication
· Preparation, training and update of environmental emergency preparedness plans
More about chemical safety
The development of technologies and the everyday life brought with itself the demand for exploration of the world's raw material resources,as well as the need for producing more and more chemical and synthetic materials that are usable and serve our comfort and other needs. Thanks for the aforementioned process the number of chemicals on the market has been more than 100 000.
In the last two decades, the growth of data is not accurate, but some estimate the number of types of marketed preparations to 4 million.
There are several different tries going on to put chemisation into a regulated framework. Over the last three years several important legislations have been released, which are all attemting to minimise the risks related to the usage of hazardous materials and preparations and the co-relating risks on humans and environment.
The most important document for collecting and understanding information on chemicals and making decisions on their usage is still the material safety datasheet. Therefore the evaluation, knowledge and training of its content is crucial before starting new activities, but also it is before start working with new materials.
Depending on the nature of activities done with hazardous materials and depending on the position of the activity within a supply chain, businesses may have notification, authorisation, registration, communication obligations. In many cases for doing such duties internal resources and professional background are not available, therefore we can be an ideal partner for fulfilling these obligations.