Noise and Vibration

Noise and vibration related services

·         Determination of environmental noise level by accredited third party laboratories

·         Determination of the impacted area,

·         Application for environmental noise limits

·         Preparation of noise protection chapters of design plans

·         Planning and designing of noise and vibration protection actions by third parties


More about noise and vibration related legislation

A very wide range of activities associated with noise and vibration. It is important to know the extent of these interfering impacts. This is to be able to determine the impacted area of the activities, the areas and facilities and their location within there to be protected, as well as depending on the impact what actions might be necessary in order to reduce the impacts to a tolerable level.

The determination of tolerability of the noise caused by the activity depends very much on the above mentioned and last but not least on the national, local authority level regulations and the type of noise source determined by these.

Therefore, already during the planning of facilities may be necessary to demonstrate and calculate the impacted area of noise sources and their varying impacts during a day.

In case of operational facilities, depending on their nature and operation, it may be necessary to apply for noise emission limits and to determine the impacted area by noise measurements.